
GlobalGiving matching gift event, June 15, 2016 - updates!

Mackie and Jasmine9 pm - final update:

The matching gift events for today have ended.  THANK YOU for your collective generosity!  Together you raised $17K - exceeding our $15K goal.

We are hoping to hear tomorrow from Jasmine's vet as to whether she can leave the hospital.  We will update you here.  

THANK YOU for enabling Mickaboo to fulfill our rescue mission - we truly couldn't do so without your support.

8 pm update:

There's just $1400 of matching funds left in the Jasmine Challenge Grant! We have until 9 pm to use it up - just about an hour from now.  Every donation counts, and every donation will be appreciated by our birds.  Donate here by 9 pm today!

5 pm update:

There's still $1700 of matching funds left in the Jasmine Challenge Grant! We have until 9 pm to use it up!  NO amount is too small, and every donation will be appreciated by our birds.  Donate here by 9 pm today!

2 pm update:

There is still $1,740 in remaining Jasmine Challenge Grant matching funds! Join the fifty Mickaboo supporters who have already given - no amount is too small, and every donation will be appreciated by our birds.  Donate here by 9 pm today!

Noon update:

There is still $2,060 in remaining Jasmine Challenge Grant matching funds! Join the over 40 Mickaboo supporters who have already given - no amount is too small, and every donation will be appreciated by our birds.  Donate here by 9 pm today!

6:30 am update:
The GlobalGiving matching gift funds are GONE!  That was fast!  If you missed your chance to use those matching funds, we have another opportunity for you.

Members of Mickaboo's Board and another generous supporter have created today's "Jasmine Challenge Grant" - this new matching opportunity offers a 30% match rate if you give TODAY before 9 pm PT at this giving link:

There is $2500 in the Jasmine Challenge Grant pool - let's use it all up, to help Jasmine and our 450+ other birds! Stay tuned to this blog for updates!

Original post:

Jasmine needs your help to pay her vet bills.  Would you help her and our many other birds at today's matching gift event?

YOUR help and that of our many dedicated volunteers are what make Mickaboo's rescue work possible. Your donation today can go further– a matching gift event is underway now (June 15), 6 am - 9 pm PT. GlobalGiving will match your online donations, up to $1,000 per donor, with $110,000 in matching funds at 50% - if you give while matching funds remain. Give early to help ensure YOU get the match!  

Our featured bird today is Jasmine, at the right-hand side of this picture, saying "Hi!" to her mate Mackie. Jasmine is a blue and gold macaw with Papilloma, a chronic disease that ultimately shortens a bird's life - though still allows for quality in that life, with proper management. Jasmine has been hospitalized for about a month for various Papilloma-related procedures. Her status has been tenuous a couple of times, but she is finally on the mend! Jasmine's feistiness has returned and she gave Mackie (her feathered significant other) what-for!  (Yes, poor Mackie who gets seriously car-sick has made the 80-ish mile trip twice to see his girl!) 

In addition to her Papilloma, Jasmine developed Aspergillosis because of her weakened immune system.  It got very serious (only about 15% of her throat was open), but the vet was able to get the "plug" out of her throat.  

Help Jasmine and our other birds heal! We have a $15,000 fundraising goal for today, about a half-month of vet bills.  Take advantage of today's matching gift opportunity now, and watch our progress today at this blog.

Bird Toon of the Day - June 11, 2016

As we reach June 11 "for real", we have the first appearance of a strip which often deviates from its title characters for a week at a time of unrelated one-shot gags.  The strip is Mother Goose and Grimm and this strip was published on June 11, 2003 ... a nice twist on the fact that today's parrots evolved from dinosaurs:

Bird Toon of the Day - June 6, 2016

I have discovered, much to my surprise (since i don't read the strip) that there is a parrot character in Hagar the Horrible that makes an appearance from time to time.  I've dug up a few of those, and today's is from June 6, 2009:
