
The topic of safety with birds encompasses types of foods, air quality, items in the environment (both objects or toxins), pets, and children.

Aspergillosis, a Respiratory Fungal Disease

Teflon and Birds: What You Need to Know

PDF for this article.

Plants That Are Toxic

This is only a partial list; if you don't see the one you are concerned about, do not assume it is safe.

Air-Borne Dangers

 Second hand tobacco smoke

Plants That Are Safe


African daisy, african violet, aluminum plant, alyssum

Human Medicine

Over the counter human medications, even those seemingly benign as aspirin, Tylenol or vitamins, can poison your bird. Commonly available bird products such as antibiotics, mite sprays or feather-picking "remedies" must also be avoided.

Household Toxins

Don't expose your bird to household toxins, Certainly, don't expose your bird to second hand smoke, and make sure you wash your hands before handling your bird if you smoke, because nicotine residue on your hands can be dangerous to your bird.

Children and Pets
