
Bird Toon of the Day - May 4, 2016

Today we start a rare six-part story arc from last year of the strip Monty, which features a parrot character named Pilsner but only infrequently plays off the fact that he is a parrot. This arc is an instant classic, in my opinion. Enjoy.

Silicon Valley Gives online giving event - 10 pm update

Thanks to the support of over SIXTY of you, we have raised about $6.5K toward our $15K fundraising goal.  The giving event ends at MIDNIGHT, so there's still time to join the giving party!Jasmine

Give today to help Jasmine, our four tiel friends (named Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, and Spy), and others like them at this donation page, and share the link with a friend! 

Silicon Valley Gives online giving event - 5:50 pm update

Thanks to the support of over 50 of you, we have raised almost $6K toward our $15K fundraising goal.  Your funds pay for urgent medical care for birds like Jasmine, a Jazminefeisty 36+-year-young Blue and Gold Macaw who came to us about a year ago with several old, untreated fractures in her legs and wings, and Papillomatosis.   She can now hold her wings over her head - and has been able to fly! Jasmine has brought much joy to her foster parent's home. 

Give today to help Jasmine and others like her at this donation page, and share the link with a friend! 

Send questions to Thank you VERY much for your generosity!

Silicon Valley Gives online giving event - 12:20 pm update

Thanks to the support of almost 40 people, we have raised over $3K toward our $15K fundraising goal.  All of our birds, including a beautifulMallee Ringneck Mallee Ringneck (representative picture shown here) rescued from a household where the elderly owner was unable to care for their pet any longer, appreciate your generosity!

There's still about $1000 in matching funds left!  Give today at this donation page to have your gift go farther, because of the 100% matching offered by our generous challenge grant fund donors  Share the link with a friend!

Send questions to Thank you for your generosity!

Silicon Valley Gives online giving event - 11 am update

tielsThanks to the support of many many generous people, we have raised almost $3K toward our $15K fundraising goal.  All of our birds (including these four, recently rescued from a household where the owner had passed away) are very appreciative that so many people care about them!

There's still more than $1000 in matching funds left!  Give today at this donation page to have your gift go farther, propelled by the 100% matching offered by our generous challenge grant fund donors  Share the link with a friend!

Send questions to Thank you for your generosity!

Silicon Valley Gives online matching gift event - May 3, 2016

Silicon Valley Gives is live NOW! This online giving event that ends at midnight on May 3 (today!), uniting our community with local nonprofits Carver & Chloesuch as Mickaboo.  Matching funds are available for the first $4000 in donations!  Go to this page to take advantage of this opportunity; please share with your friends and family.

Your donations help birds like Carver, the male of a budgie pair surrendered by their owner to the Sacramento SPCA. Charming little blue Carver had a large mass on his wing, about the size of his head. The SPCA gave the pair to Mickaboo so Carver could get urgently-needed medical care. 

A Mickaboo volunteer picked up the two budgies and was planning to make an appointment with an avian vet; however, when she felt how thin Carver was and saw that his tumor was bleeding some, she rushed him to the UC Davis Small Animal Clinic. There, he was given fluids and antibiotics and allowed to rest overnight before diagnostics were done. We learned the mass was likely a fast-growing and malignant sarcoma.

The volunteer drove Carver the following morning from UC Davis to Medical Center for Birds in Oakley, where Dr. Speer examined him to see if his wing could be saved. Dr. Speer found that the cancer had spread into the first wing joint, so the best course of action was to amputate the wing at the elbow joint. 


Watch this space for progress notes.  Thank you for your generosity!
