
Bird Toon of the Day - May 17, 2016

This is actually the Loose Parts for May 6, 2012 (we were in the middle of the Monty arc with Pilsner the parrot on the exact date match) but I didn't want to hold it for another year because it makes me snicker.

Bird Toon of the Day - May 15, 2016

Diamond Lil from two years ago.  This was the middle strip in a story arc about Stupid the Bird attempting to sell his nest.  The other five strips only involved Stupid tangentally so I didn't save them.  This one, though, is funny:

Bird Toon of the Day - May 11, 2016

I have discovered that I have a ton of Cheezburger captioned photos in my archive, so I'm going to try to post one of them per week now.  Today's is a mild chuckle referencing that ubiquitous smartphone game ...
