
GlobalGiving Bonus Day progress report - 10:45 am PT - AND BONUS GRANT update

DuncanThere's almost $25K in matching funds still left!  Let's use it up for the birds!
Your generosity so far has resulted in a total in donations and matching gifts of $11.2K - more than halfway toward our $20K fundraising goal. Thank you!
With 54 donors, we are in FIRST PLACE (so far) in the $1000 bonus grant contest!  The bonus grant deadline is 9 pm tonight; we are in an excellent position to win the grant with your continued help.  Keep asking your friends to give, even if it's just a bit, to be included in the "most donors" count!
Haven't given yet?  It'll take a few minutes to give at   Thank you!

GlobalGiving Bonus Day progress report - 9:07 am PT - AND BONUS GRANT opportunity!

CongoThirty-five generous supporters have collectively funded about $7,000 toward our $20,000 fundraising goal.  THANK YOU! 

Because so many of you have donated, we have a very real opportunity to win an additional $1000 BONUS GRANT for having the most donors today.  That's enough to pay for about a week of hospitalization for a severely needy bird, like Congo (an African Grey, pictured.  Please consider asking a friend to donate to help us win that Bonus Grant?  It would be MUCH appreciated!


GlobalGiving Bonus Day progress report - 7:07 am PT

Bonus Day has been in progress for a bit more than an hour.  Amazingly, almost $50K of the original $75K in matching gift funds remain!  That means now is as good a time as any to give toward our $20K fundraising goal (we've raised about $3K so far).  If you are able, give here - our birds appreciate your help in making them well enough to go into a forever home!

Give NOW to help our 400+ birds!

NoraThe last 2014 GlobalGiving matching gift opportunity is happening NOW.  Our volunteers and our foster birds hope you’ll take advantage of it.

On Oct 15 (now!), from 6 am PT - 9 pm PT, GlobalGiving will match your online donations at 30%, up to $1,000 per donor, until GlobalGiving has given away $75,000 of matching funds for all of its projects. Go to Mickaboo's GlobalGiving page  now before the match runs out!

Your generosity helps fund the veterinary bills for birds like Nora (a cockatiel now in remission from cancer, pictured), Chacco (recovering from wing and chest wounds), and many other birds like them. Our newly-published Fall newsletter speaks to some of the work Mickaboo volunteers do, to enhance the quantity and quality of life for the birds in Mickaboo's care.

Please consider helping us with Nora's, Chacco's,and our other birds’ medical needs by participating in this matching gift  campaign.  Our goal is to raise $20,000, about half of this past month's veterinary expenses, and ANY amount you give will be appreciated!   If you would prefer to donate in a more traditional way, we will of course welcome your checks at PO Box 697, San Jose, CA  95106.

Watch this space for updates on our progress toward the $20K goal!  Email us at with any questions.

Mickaboo 2014 Annual Holiday Party & Funraiser - Save the Date!

The Holiday Party is our biggest in-person gathering of the year!  Come to meet Mickaboo's volunteers and officers, get some holiday shopping done, and help Mickaboo's birds all at the same time!  Learn more and RSVP here.

When and Where

       Saturday, December 6, 5 pm - 9 pm 

       Third Workplace
       7000 Sunne Lane, Suite 112
       Walnut Creek, CA

       Enter from the street (Treat Blvd between Sunne Lane & Jones Rd) or the garage.
       Garage entrance is on Sunne Lane, and parking is FREE!

       The location is easily accessible from the Pleasant Hill BART station (2 blocks!).

Cover Charge

       $20/Adult, $35/Couple.  Pay online or at the door.ay at the door.


  • BART - Use the Pleasant Hill station, and look for the party entrance on Treat Blvd.  You'll see us through the glass windows - can't miss us!
  • Driving? We have FREE underground parking on Sunne Lane.  As you enter Sunne Lane from Treat Blvd, the entrance will be on your right. It's a short walk within the building (which we'll aim to mark with signs) to get from the garage to our party.

If the underground parking described above is full (garage capacity is 80), the underground parking *across the street* on Sunne Lane will also be available.  At this "across the street" garage, you must remove your car by 10 pm (party officially ends at 9 pm).

Free parking is also available at the Pleasant Hill BART station.


Bring checks/cash (preferred) to buy raffle tickets, birdie supplies, holiday gifts, silent auction items, bake sale items, etc!  We will also have a limited ability to take credit cards via Square, and a laptop to take PayPal payments.

Dress code

If you would like to dress up for the occasion (many of us enjoy doing so), you're welcome to!  Casual attire is also ok.


We will have a small quarantine room set aside to facilitate the transportation of any foster birds in transit.  Birds are NOT allowed in the main party area.  If you plan on taking advantage of this, please email so we can make sure we will have enough room for all our feathered friends.


  • Party attendees always relish our potluck.  Mickaboo will supply a "core offering" of vegetarian / vegan / gluten-free dishes. Potluck items can be anything (and it will ALL be labeled) *except* fowl (for obvious reasons). 
  • Bake sale items are also welcome!
  • If you are bringing a dish or serving utensils and want to make sure it gets back to you (lost-and-found always being a challenge), please put alabel with your name on your item.  Our registration desk volunteers will try to remind you about your "stuff" as you exit, but sometimes the memory doesn't quite work until we get home...
  • Have you saved feathers for Art for the Birds?  Bring them!  Put them in your car (or by the door) now!  We'll have a box at the registration desk.
  • Have you saved empty inkjet cartridges, old cell phones, or other small electronics for Mickaboo's recycling fundraising?  Bring them!  We'll have a (separate) box at the registration desk.
  • Just like at many of San Francisco's and San Jose's stores, please bring your own bag for your purchases.  We'll have some on hand... maybe not enough...


Email any questions to We look forward to seeing all of you! - Pam

GlobalGiving Photo Contest - Final Results

Thanks to all of your individual efforts, Mickaboo came in FIRST in its category, and was the organization with the second-most votes in the overall contest.  That means that while we did not qualify for a cash prize, GlobalGiving will give us help to spread the word about the need for animal welfare organizations, and particularly what Mickaboo does.

Thank you again for ALL you did!

GlobalGiving Photo Contest - Preliminary Results

THANKS to everyone for voting and reaching out to others to vote.  Preliminary results indicate a fourth place ranking overall, and FIRST in our "Green" category.  We will post an update when GlobalGiving sends final results to us. Stay tuned!

Help Mickaboo win $1000 - 10 seconds or less!

Would you please take a second to help Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue  win $1000?

  • VOTE for Mickaboo at this link  (one vote per person allowed)
  • CONFIRM your vote via the email you’ll receive – otherwise your vote won’t count!
  • SHARE this voting request via email / Facebook / Twitter / your other social networks, and ask your contacts to vote and to share too!  Email if you would like suggested wording.

If we win (we were second last year!), Mickaboo will get $1000 and much-needed publicity about the existence of bird rescue and Mickaboo.  Voting ends at 9 am Pacific on August 29; that said, if you're reading this now, there's no need to wait to vote!
Your help will be appreciated by the hundreds of birds who receive Mickaboo's assistance every year. Email with any questions. 

THANK YOU in advance!
