
Bird Toon of the Day - May 24, 2016

Rina Piccolo is one of the "Six Chix" who rotate amongst themselves the task of creating the daily comic strip of the same name.  However, she also produces a daily strip called "Tina's Groove" about a waitress at a coffee shop/outdoor café, and occasionally has a bird-themed plot.  Such is the case in this strip from one year ago today:

Bird Toon of the Day - May 23, 2016

The Fusco Brothers is is a strip which I do not read on a regular basis, so I don't know if this parrot character recurs or not.  (Someone sent me the link.)  But from May 8 of last year, here is what at least is a humorous premise:

Bird Toon of the Day - May 17, 2016

This is actually the Loose Parts for May 6, 2012 (we were in the middle of the Monty arc with Pilsner the parrot on the exact date match) but I didn't want to hold it for another year because it makes me snicker.
