Honoring World Parrot Day, May 31, 2020

Final Update: March 29, 9:30 pm
You did it! We reached our $15K fundraising goal AND used all of the matching gift funds. THANK YOU to all of you who gave, who asked their friends and family to give - and especially who established the Challenge Grant fund.
Our many birds and the volunteers who lovingly care for them, day in and day out, appreciate your open-heartedness during these times.
Update: March 28, 11:00 am
YOU did it! Collectively you raised over $22K, leveraging all of the Challenge Grant funds. Whether you gave a little or a lot, all of us at Mickaboo appreciate your generosity. This amount, together with the Challenge Grant donation itself, will pay for almost all of January's medical costs - a wonderful way to start the new year.
We wish all of you a prosperous and safe holiday. Thank you all again.
Final Update
Your generosity has garnered an amazing $18,000 in donations, matching funds, AND $1000 prize monies, paying for almost Two Weeks of Mickaboo's rescue flock's veterinary cost!
We are humbled and awestruck by your response to our appeals. THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.
Final update: 7/18/2019 9:38 pm
Today's matching event is over. The final result: $15,500 in donations, a little over a week's worth of our vet bills at the moment. THANK YOU all for your generosity and support. We literally could not do what we do without your ongoing help.
Update: 7/18/2019: 6:45 pm
Final Update: 1/1/2019
You did it! Through your collective efforts, you raised $24,600 - just about a half month's worth of our vet bills at current run rates - and used up all of the Quita Challenge Grant funds. More importantly, you laid a financial foundation for the beginning of the new year, enabling us to meet the ongoing medical needs of our rescue flock.
We did it! Collectively, including matching gifts, we have raised just over $11,500! THANK YOU so much for your support, your generosity, and your heart. Our birds appreciate all of you.
UPDATE: 5:25 pm
We have raised about $6,600 toward our $10,000 fundraising goal. Thanks to ALL who have gotten us this far!
Final update!
The last of the donation numbers are in - we raised $20,748! Many thanks, again and always, for those of you who gave your hard-earned monies to help us achieve this goal.
As we head into 2018, please remember that regardless of how tax laws are written, these magnificent creatures will continue to need YOUR assistance to heal and find loving permanent homes. Thank you for joining with us as we move forward into the future.
Final update:
YOU collectively gave us $13.6K in response to this Challenge Grant. That's about enough for a week's worth of vet bills at our current rates! THANK YOU all from the bottom of our hearts. We hope you all enjoy a very merry holiday season.
FINAL RESULTS: Nov 28, 11:20 pm PT
#GivingTuesday is over - and we've met our fundraising goal! Thanks to you, we raised $10,397 (including matching funds). That's just about enough to pay for a week's worth of our veterinary expenses for our flock of 650 birds!
Our birds, the volunteers who care for them day in and day out, and our Board of Directors are grateful for your outpouring of generosity.