
Bird Toon of the Day - July 15, 2015

The bird tests Snoopy's stamina in this Peanuts Sunday 'toon from October 4, 1953:

As with so many early Peanuts strips, this one was originally uploaded to the blog in black-and-white, then replaced when the color version became available in January 2018.

Donation Matching Day 7/15/2015 - FINAL Report

We promised to update you throughout the day on where we stood with regard to today's donation matching activities.  Here is our final report on today's activities.

Thanks to YOU, we have collectively Henriettaraised $21,800, exceeding our $20K goal for today (about 75% of one month's average vet bills).  About $2300 in *Mickaboo* challenge grant funds remain - we will talk to the challenge grant donors about how they want us to handle the leftovers.

Henrietta, our 450+ birds in our rescue flock, AND the volunteers who care for these wonderful creatures thank you VERY much!  We could not do what we do without your financlal support.
