Bird Toon of the Day - November 30, 2018
We end the month with a nice sentiment from Mutts:
We end the month with a nice sentiment from Mutts:
Speed Bump deals with modern technology in the avian world.
Pearls Before Swine turns an old racist term on its side for genuine humor effect:
This is one of Leigh Rubin's "Rubes" panel. I wondered when someone was going to make this connection.
A WuMo panel about one seagull who's had just about enough.
A classic Peanuts strip from 1974, in which Snoopy shows concern for his avian buddy:
Wrapping up our Thanksgiving toons, a timely Loose Parts:
And a few final comments from the now-deceased Diamond Lil turkeys:
It's the day after Thanksgiving, and Six Chix has a vulture disappointing his buddies ...
... while over at Diamond Lil, we have a "day after" strip:
We'll do our last three Thanksgiving toons today through Saturday, starting with this Free Range panel:
And the Diamond Lil Thanksgiving story arc also finishes over these next three days, in an absurdly wonderful way ...
A Bizarro Thanksgiving as only Dan Piraro can imagine it:
And the Diamond Lil Thanksgiving story approaches its end: