Bird Toon of the Day - December 10, 2018
Agatha Christie, avian version.
Agatha Christie, avian version.
Having a budgie who engages in this himself, I find this Break Of Day panel very amusing:
Carpe Diem and a professorial bird who should have been named Newton:
A classic Peanuts strip from today in 1965:
An odd but funny Birdbrains panel.
Something we've not featured in many weeks is a captioned photo meme from Cheezburger. I'll try to work a few in this month to make up for it, starting with these owlets:
Dogs of C-Kennel. Dialogue speaks for itself.
A Six Chix strip for all you ornithologists ...
Rhymes With Orange with a fanciful strip that has me wondering how those birds could have laid eggs that large in the first place:
First, a promise from your daily toon poster: After having more turkey strips last month than there were actual turkeys on plates, I will confine the Christmas entries to just a handful, starting the weekend before.
Now that I hear that collective sigh of relief, we start off the month with a Free Range panel.