Bird Toon of the Day - November 20, 2018
Dogs of C-Kennel answers an age-old question:
The Diamond Lil Thanksgiving saga heads toward a (hopefully) amusing conclusion:
Dogs of C-Kennel answers an age-old question:
The Diamond Lil Thanksgiving saga heads toward a (hopefully) amusing conclusion:
A Thanksgiving Strange Brew:
And we're into the countdown to that day on Diamond Lil:
(This is the closest we get to seeing Stupid the Bird in this sequence, by the way.)
Classic Peanuts from 1964:
Thanskgiving Diamond Lil continues ... with predictable results.
Thanksgiving quasi-political toon:
Diamond Lil and turkeys toon:
Here's an old Ziggy panel:
And here are the Diamond Lil turkeys again, joined now by the title character:
A seasonal 2015 Six Chix panel from Isabella Bannerman:
Diamond Lil Thanksgiving series continues:
Non Sequitur on the hereafter:
Diamond Lil Thanksgiving strips, part 12:
A Thanksgiving-themed Loose Parts:
Diamond Lil turkeys, continued:
The Other Coast from one year ago today. Who's fooling who here?
Diamond Lil Thanksgiving, continued:
A unique take on Thanksgiving from a 2015 Mutts strip:
And the turkey conversations continue in Diamond Lil: