
Bird Toon of the Day - September 18, 2015

To me, this Bizarro from July 8, 2005 serves as reinforcement to my policy of letting my budgies out of their cage as much as possible.  I did that with the very first budgie I had, in 1968, and the policy has worked well all the way through my present small flock of Mickaboo budgies.  Enjoy.

GlobalGiving Bonus Day 9/16/2015 - FINAL Report

We promised to update you throughout the day on where we stood with regard to today's donation matching activities. BashfulHere is our final report on today's activities.

Thanks to YOU, we have collectively raised $17,360, slightly lower than our $20K goal for today.  GlobalGiving's matching funds were augmented by an anonymous donor's Challenge Grant; about $360 of the challenge grant funds remain - we will talk to the challenge grant donor about how they want us to handle the leftover monies.

LucyAnd the "most donors" race?  We came in second, with 96 donors.  That was good enough for a $1000 prize!

Bashful, Lucy, and the 450+ birds in our rescue flock, AND the volunteers who care for these beautiful beings thank you VERY much!  We could not do what we do without your financlal support.


GlobalGiving Bonus Day Challenge Grant - 8:40 pm update

An anonymous budgie-loving supporter is providing $750 to incent GlobalGiving donations, with the hope that Mickaboo will regain its "most donors" first place position in today's GlobalGiving fundraising event.  Our generous donors have used $390 of the $750 - so there's more matching funds to be had!

GlobalGiving donations between now and 9 pm PT (just 20 minutes from now!) will be matched at 50% by this Challenge Grant! Give now here!
