Bird Toon of the Day - April 25, 2015
Dave Blazek's "Loose Parts" has the occasional bird-related entry and often plays off cross-cultural references, as in this Sunday strip from March 10, 2013 about a canary with a coal miner's mindset:
Dave Blazek's "Loose Parts" has the occasional bird-related entry and often plays off cross-cultural references, as in this Sunday strip from March 10, 2013 about a canary with a coal miner's mindset:
Dave Coverly's "Speed Bump" is one of my daily must-reads. He frequently turns to bird-themed gags for his toons so I have a lot of these archived.
Given my professional career as a radio programming consultant, this one from December 7, 2009 is a personal favorite.
A good portion of the content at the site is captioned pictures, with one whole area devoted to "Animal Capshunz". I've collected several dozen images from there and will post one every few days as a break from the usual cartoon style.
This appeared at Cheezburger April 21, 2013.
This is the new blog "Bird Toon of the Day". For our first entry, a Mickaboo favorite ... Bizarro from October 6, 2013. Dan Piraro, who is a supporter of animal rights organizations in general, autographed a print of this cartoon for our Holiday Auction later that same year.