Bird Toon of the Day - August 8, 2015
Non Sequitur from June 24, 2010. Self-explanatory.
Non Sequitur from June 24, 2010. Self-explanatory.
Probably the most-missed of the comics that used to grace the newspaper but no longer do is Calvin & Hobbes. Although the bird references were usually caught up in something Calvin's imagination had dreamed up, I have saved a handful and offer them as a very occasional special treat. First up: February 14, 1987.
Two cartoonists are our favorites because of their support of animal rescue ... Dan Piraro, who draws Bizarro and Patrick McDonnell, who draws Mutts. The latter usually does a week of "shelter stories" strips sometime in the course of the year to encourage adoption of shelter and rescue animals. Today's strip is one of his bird-related shelter stories, from November 5, 2013.
This Bizarro, from way back on May 7, 1998, has been identified by Dan Piraro as one of his personal all-time favorites. I like it as well, and hope you will too.
Note: Dan redid this panel, in color, on January 31, 2017. I'm including it here.
Mark Lynch is a cartoonist based in Sydney (one giveaway is the use of the word "tipping" in this cartoon, that being Australian slang for "betting"). I only have a few bird-related toons from his portfolio, of which this is my favorite:
Another entry in the "bird vs. freshly washed car" battle, from Cheezburger of March 6, 2013:
A coal mine with three miners and a pair of canaries with a morbid sense of humor, from the October 14, 2013 Strange Brew.
Ziggy from June 27, 2012. It's actually somewhat funnier than the usual offering when you consider what the bird uses for "white-out".
The last of my 1950s archived Peanuts strips (July 4, 1954) again pits Snoopy against the bird, with predictable results.
For my 100th post, a personal favorite: Bizarro from October 15, 2014, combining my favorite breed of companion bird with one of my favorite Humphrey Bogart movies.