Bird Toon of the Day - February 24, 2016
Bizarro from February 20th of last year. (I had a choice between this and yesterday from three years ago and I thought this one was funnier.)
Bizarro from February 20th of last year. (I had a choice between this and yesterday from three years ago and I thought this one was funnier.)
Speed Bump from five years ago today. Ah, these interspecies romances ...
I know I post a lot of Patrick McDonnell's "Mutts" strips, but that's because he does a lot of strips featuring Philippe and the other outdoor birds in the neighborhood. (I just looked ahead to March in my archives and if you think I posted a lot of them this month ...?)
Anyway, here is Mutts from one year ago today, featuring two of said neighborhood denizens and a major miscalculation:
Let's have a Cheezburger ... recaptioned photo, that is ...
It's good news and bad news for Calvin in the concluding strip in the owl story arc from Calvin and Hobbes, which ran this same week in 1988:
Calvin the Owl finds a reason to be happy over his predicament in the next-to-last installment of the Calvin and Hobbes story arc:
Calvin, being again only in Hobbes' presence after the non-mouse soup lunch, is back to being an owl in the fourth installment from this week in 1988:
The Calvin & Hobbes "transmogrified into an owl" arc, part three. Note that the canon of everything being "normal" when it isn't just the two title characters carries into this strip.
Here's Owl & Hobbes, part two, from this date 28 (!) years ago.
A real treat this week (as we hit our 300th post) ... the only time Calvin & Hobbes had a full story arc that was bird-themed. This plays off the previous day's color Sunday strip where the pair keep "transmogrifying" each other until Calvin ends up as an owl; in a rare departure from the way Bill Watterson usually worked, that story continued through the following weekday strips. Here is the first installment, from February 15, 1988.