Bird Toon of the Day - January 26, 2016
One of the old black-and-white Noodles from Scott Breier.
One of the old black-and-white Noodles from Scott Breier.
Another of Jason Love's "Snapshots" ... apparently he does understand something about birds:
Another Cheezburger recaptioned photo. (I have learned that they recycle old photos a few years after their original postings so the dates are meaningless and I'm no longer going to include that information.)
Pearls Before Swine from one year ago today (January 23, 2015). For those unfamiliar with the strip, Rat is always doing the wrong thing just to achieve a positive result for him -- and only him -- personally.
Note: From here on out, I'm going to try to match up the publication dates with the current calendar, with fill-ins where I have no matches in the archives. It's easier for me this way.
Speed Bump from one year ago today (January 22, 2015).
Bizarro from February 27, 2009. Words fail me.
Non Sequitur from April 29, 2014 redefines an old cliché, literally.
More Cheezburger, from April 1, 2012:
Mutts from February 6, 2012, with a thought about winter in areas that get snow.
Stupid The Bird makes an appearance only in the last panel of this Diamond Lil strip from July 19, 2013 ... but what a reaction take!