Bird Toon of the Day - April 4, 2016
Six Chix (Stephanie Piro this time) on the subject of "too much of a good thing" in this strip from one year ago:
Six Chix (Stephanie Piro this time) on the subject of "too much of a good thing" in this strip from one year ago:
Mutts from this date in 2013 features more singing from Phillipe.
An "a-ha" moment from Cheezburger:
Stupid the Bird returns from his winter migration in this Diamond Lil strip from April 1, 2013:
We wrap up the month with a Bizarro panel we had to skip over because we were in the Mutts story arc on its anniversary date. From March 28 of last year:
Speed Bump from three years ago. Self-explanatory, I think ...
Frank and Ernest from two years ago, with a better-than-usual play on words.
The concluding installment of last year's "first song of Spring" story arc from Mutts, in which Philippe finally sings.
Happy Easter! Here's the fifth installment of Philippe's "first song of spring" story arc from Mutts, one year ago today. Naturally, everyone needs an understudy:
Day #4 of Mutts' first song of Spring story arc from last year, and Philippe appears to have borrowed the "my brother George" line from the late Liberace: