Bird Toon of the Day - April 20, 2019
Another Cheezburger meme for your Saturday.
Another Cheezburger meme for your Saturday.
Nate Fakes takes aim at our national bird in this Break Of Day panel.
A Birdbrains 'toon. Two observations: (1) Who knew Einstein had a parrot, and (2) What species has crest feathers like his hair?
This speaks for itself.
The sequel to yesterday's Peanuts strip:
Snoopy and a pre-Woodstock (1966) bird who acts just like the one we know from the 1970s on:
Rhymes With Orange and why you shouldn't play pool with an ostrich.
A Cheezburger meme for a weekend chuckle:
WuMo rewrites a fairytale for modern times.
Koko "says" it all in this The Other Coast strip.