Bird Toon of the Day - July 14, 2019
A Cheezburger meme, and given that duckling's position, some good advice.
A Cheezburger meme, and given that duckling's position, some good advice.
Speed Bump and an absurdity explained.
Today's Mutts strip features what I think is supposed to be an African Grey (only the tail is wrong):
This Birdbrains panel is good for a chuckle.
A visit with the eagles at The Other Coast, who have a dilemma unique to the new online era:
Dogs of C-Kennel, and properly motivating Wheeler.
A Break of Day panel on a common phobia, albeit one not usually seen in birds. I'm just surprised they aren't on the back of a greyhound.
On The Fastrack visualizes Facebook, Google, and the like as cyberbirds.
Back in time to 1988 for this Calvin & Hobbes strip, which was originally part of a story arc where Calvin inexplicably goes skyward thanks to a helium balloon. (Any excuse to share an old C&H strip is always exercised.)
Speed Bump and the ubiqitousness of smartphones (and the lack of awareness of one's surroundings when using same):