Bird Toon of the Day - September 27, 2019
A Cheezburger meme which I will refrain from making political comments about.
A Cheezburger meme which I will refrain from making political comments about.
Six Chix (Susan Camilleri this time around) with a pair of chickens trying to extend their life expectancy:
A Speed Bump on the changing of dating and mating rituals ... or at least, what might happen if birds had smartphones.
The Other Coast, and a strip on perspective. On the other hand, the hummingbird isn't carrying four tote bags full of groceries back home ...
An overly-sensitive 'zon (like, aren't they all) is the subject of this Birdbrains panel.
Another of Nate Fakes' "Break of Day" panels with a clever take on an old cliché.
Another of my favorites from the blog's first year, repeated. A Cheezburger meme, comparisons to Emily Litella (if you're old enough to know who that was) are invited.
Carpe Diem and a dilemma that birds all over deal with. You'd think it was transparent aluminum (bonus points if you get that reference).
Mutts and "great ideas":
Dogs Of C-Kennel and Wheeler making a bad observation out of an old saying: