Bird Toon of the Day - October 31, 2019
A Happy Halloween Rubes panel.
A Happy Halloween Rubes panel.
It's the day before Halloween and we have an appropriate Diamond Lil Sunday entry: Stupid the Bird takes a selfie with a strangely animated jack-o'lantern. (No, I do not know how Stupid suddenly got teeth.)
A Non Sequitur strip with what seems to be a very smart canary.
This Speed Bump comic raises the question of whether he says that twelve times at noon and midnight.
Haberdashery meets birdwatching in this Rhymes With Orange.
The "Space Birds" story arc in Brewster Rocket, Space Guy ends with two bad jokes. (I do not know why it ended this abruptly.)
Part four of Brewster Rockit vs. the Space Birds.
(Yes, this is a very silly story arc. But the strip itself is silly in the first place.)
Brewster Rockit, part 3. Some things never change.
Brewster Rockit meets the bird ambassador and jumps to an erroneous conclusion. Maybe they should have sent a hawk as an ambassador.
This was brought to my attention by one of our faithful readers. Believe it or not, the satirical comic strip Brewster Rockit, Space Guy actually had an avian-themed story arc last year ... and we present it now, over the next five days.