Bird Toon of the Day - January 16, 2020
WuMo takes an old cliché to the next logical level.
WuMo takes an old cliché to the next logical level.
The second half of Stupid the Bird and the snowman's nose, from Diamond Lil.
Another quick two-part Diamond Lil and Stupid the Bird being ... well, stupid:
A rather clever Peanuts strip from January 1972.
Carpe Diem takes the old "airplane hit a bird" situation and gives it a twist. OTOH, I suppose the windshield was the only way the bird could get in the cockpit, given the security measures that are so ubiquitous now.
A Break Of Day for a Saturday chuckle. Call the Board of Health!
Six Chix with a play on the usual reason why someone is accused of not knowing something in the news that is considered general knowledge ...
This Birdbrains turns an old saying on its side by reversing the human and avian roles.
A Rubes panel on the aftermath of an old cliché.
Strange Brew and vultures and ... wait, is this Denny's?