Bird Toon of the Day - March 16, 2020
Woodstock upgrades his digs in this 1972 Peanuts strip. (If he bought it through Amazon, I hope he used the Amazon Smile portal so Mickaboo gets a cut.)
Woodstock upgrades his digs in this 1972 Peanuts strip. (If he bought it through Amazon, I hope he used the Amazon Smile portal so Mickaboo gets a cut.)
A Cheezburger LOL.
Non Sequitur with a disaster about to happen.
Close encounters of the avian kind in Strange Brew.
Speed Bump turns the "lipstick on a chicken" cliché on its side.
A LOL from Speed Bump.
Bizarro has an avian take on food wagons and carts.
Game, set and match for the March wind vs. Stupid the Bird:
Diamond Lil's Stupid the Bird tries to avoid the March wind by staying indoors. Still a fail.
The March wind is still getting the better of Stupid the Bird in the fourth installment.