Bird Toon of the Day - April 15, 2020
The world's most dangerous bird bath? From Birdbrains.
The world's most dangerous bird bath? From Birdbrains.
Speed Bump's avian take on crash test dummies.
Dogs of C-Kennel. Wheeler is health-conscious? I don't believe it.
I searched through the entire archives before I found this Strange Brew. It's as close to Easter-themed as I am going to get:
The Other Coast's take on the similar appearance of penguins.
Rubes on the subject of vultures cannibalizing their dead brothers.
Another of Hewer-Candee's Animal Problems comics. I'm not sure why this is relevant to a rock music performance, but oh well ...
A Cheezburger caption with a cute premise and punch line.
Loose Parts and a drawback to an old cliché.
A monumental achievement for Woodstock, in this 1971 Peanuts strip.