Bird Toon of the Day - May 5, 2020
The Other Coast and the avian version of a familiar human situation. No wonder female birds tend to be the nestmakers in nature ...
The Other Coast and the avian version of a familiar human situation. No wonder female birds tend to be the nestmakers in nature ...
Wheeler has a different take on a old cliché in Dogs of C-Kennel:
This month we will have two Six Chix strips, done by different members of the rotating six-woman contributor group, and both about vultures. This one, by Martha Gradisher, opines on what would give a buzzard indigestion, taking their usual diet into account.
Carpe Diem and the ultimate threat for the modern age.
This Strange Brew "speaks" for itself.
WuMo. I want to see a flamingo in tennis shoes now.
Bizarro, with the little known companion to the famous bluebird.
Eddy and Edwina the eagles get "ready for their close-up" on The Other Coast. (♫ You're so vain, I bet you think this toon is about you ... ♫)
Speed Bump likens a bird feeder to a box of Cracker Jack:
I've always said the funniest single-panel toons are ones that anthromorphize common human traits, misconceptions, and clichés by using common traits and behaviors of the non-human. This Loose Parts is a perfect example.