Bird Toon of the Day - June 14, 2020
The Other Coast: The differing perspectives of humanity and nature.
The Other Coast: The differing perspectives of humanity and nature.
Break Of Day: Ya think?
Loose Parts: A very bad omen indeed.
Six Chix: Diet conscious bluebirds.
Rhymes With Orange: Recasting the Egyptian plover bird as a dentist for its crocodile patient,
As noted in Wikipedia, the factual basis for this is disputed.
This is another toon that I have recently discovered called Half Full. Mama Bird's key error here was asking her chicks what they wanted for dinner ...
Speed Bump: A twist on an old cliché.
WuMo: Revisionist tale of the ugly duckling.
Mutts: Mooch serenades his (always shown as only a pair of ears below window level) girlfriend, only to find his singing acts as a bird call for bald eagles.
The Other Coast: Songbirds vs. leaf blowers.