Bird Toon of the Day - October 12, 2020
Break Of Day: That anatomic feature of owls freaks me out, too.
Break Of Day: That anatomic feature of owls freaks me out, too.
A Cheezburger meme with a typical play on words.
Six Chix: A cliché updated for the modern world.
Speed Bump: Imagine what gyrations he would have been engaged in if it were "Fly Like An Eagle" ...
Strange Brew: The natural approach is usually best ...
Free Range: Another cliché taken to a humorous extreme.
Tundra: Even the birds in the park care about that.
Half Full: This needs no explanation.
Carpe Diem: You find commonalities where you can.
B.C.: Christmas jokes already?
Fun fact: B.C. is drawn now by Mason Mastroianni, the grandson of the strip's creator John Hart. His brother Mick co-writes (along with John's youngest daughter Perri) the strip. Mason and Mick also produce Hart's other well-known strip The Wizard Of Id and their own Dogs Of C-Kennel.