Bird Toon of the Day - December 11, 2020
Half Full: For some reason, all I can think about when reading this toon is the late Yogi Berra's statement on a popular New York City restaurant ("no one goes there anymore, it's too crowded").
Half Full: For some reason, all I can think about when reading this toon is the late Yogi Berra's statement on a popular New York City restaurant ("no one goes there anymore, it's too crowded").
Family Tree: I had not heard of this strip, but someone sent me this 12-year-old entry in the series, which I share as a pretty good idea for those of us with wild bird feeders and squirrels ...
Dogs Of C-Kennel: Understatement of the year.
WuMo: Ostriches that need how-to videos.
Free Range: No comment necessary.
Birdbrains: Polly really wants a cracker.
Andertoons: I wholeheartedly agree.
Six Chix: The famous fairy tale redux.
Tundra: Contact in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...