Bird Toon of the Day - March 4, 2021
The Diamond Lil "thin ice" arc continues with a different take on yesterday's strip:
The Diamond Lil "thin ice" arc continues with a different take on yesterday's strip:
Stupid the Bird encounters more "thin ice" signs (and the clichés increase) as the week-long Diamond Lil arc continues.
Continuing the Diamond Lil story arc of "thin ice" signs:
Diamond Lil: A six-day arc in which Stupid the Bird encounters various "thin ice" signs. Trust me, there is a great payoff on Saturday.
The Other Coast: Worm logic vs. avian logic. Guess who wins?
Strange Brew: As Indiana Jones said ... why does it have to be snakes?
Rhymes With Orange: Two questions that make this a little less funny to me ... How do you know chicken anything at the South Pole, and since when do penguins have igloos?
Brevity: I hope there's a barrel down on the street, because they certainly have him over one.
Speed Bump: Crocodile dentistry.
Loose Parts: I suppose that's what happens when you only exercise one leg at a time...