Bird Toon of the Day - May 29, 2021
Mutts: And the final result pleases Phillipe immensely ...
Mutts: And the final result pleases Phillipe immensely ...
Mutts: Philippe's quest for a new song gains a collaborator.
Mutts: Mooch (as usual) is of no help whatsoever in Philippe's quest for a new song.
Mutts: Phillipe catches on to a catch phrase.
Mutts: First strip in a story arc featuring Philippe as composer.
Six Chix: Of course, the obvious flaw in this logic is ... if she doesn't notice, how can she make that statement?
Rhymes With Orange: Human or avian, parents have the same issues.
Dogs Of C-Kennel: Wheeler strikes out again with the ladies.
Half Full: This was an issue even before the pandemic ...
Birdbrains: The Colin Hay of geese.