Bird Toon of the Day - June 28, 2021
Free Range: Is this like Reese's "you got peanut butter on my chocolate"?
Free Range: Is this like Reese's "you got peanut butter on my chocolate"?
Carpe Diem: Ancient nest design?
The Far Side: Concluding our week-long salute to Gary Larson, kitchen utensils for roadkill.
The Far Side: What birds likely think about freshly washed cars ...
The Far Side: And how would he know if he didn't?
The Far Side: One of Gary Larson's many panels with vultures.
The Far Side: A wonderful play on words.
The Far Side: Another of the first re-released panels in which the reader is encouraged to figure out the obvious joke.
The Far Side: After many years of griping about his excellent (if humorously warped) work being posted everywhere without his consent, Gary Larson finally relented and allowed a site to feature his cartoon panels; the site went online a little over a year ago and is linked at the beginning of this post. This week, I'm featuring the first seven avian-themed reprints from that site.
Break Of Day: Finishing the week-long marathon with a new definition of a familiar term.
Next week, another marathon, of one of the most-loved and missed toons of all time.