Bird Toon of the Day - January 12, 2022
Rhymes With Orange: I think I know a Senator from West Virginia who just decided he hates canaries.
Rhymes With Orange: I think I know a Senator from West Virginia who just decided he hates canaries.
Argyle Sweater: No more an uninformed position than our human government lately ...
Tundra: A new perspective on a well-known saying.
For the 200th Bird Toon of the Day (November 7, 2015), I turned to a comic that is enough of an all-time favorite that it has gone through two repeat runs at GoComics, as well as a bound hardcover three-volume printed collection in 2005 (released in paperback as well seven years later). Of course, I am talking about Calvin and Hobbes, which presented this gem way back on June 18, 1989:
Another favorite strip by an animal lover cartoonist is Patrick O'Donnell's Mutts. On August 28, 2015, I featured the first strip of his (as far as I know, anyway) that featured a budgie. I had to scan my own newspaper clipping because it was so old -- September 10, 1994 -- that it does not appear in the comic's online archives.
Yes, it's more Bizarro. This one, my 100th Bird Toon post (on July 30, 2015) is a play both on one of my favorite Humphrey Bogart movies and on the companion birds I have had almost continuously since I was 12.
Dan Piraro's Bizarro frequently has bird themes, and he has told me that he's happy to have them appear here at Mickaboo. This is a typical entry which I featured on June 1, 2015:
Originally posted less than one month into the blog, this Speed Bump toon from 2013 always struck me as being perfect for the technological age.
Later this year, we will mark seven years of posting the Bird Toon of the Day. Today through the weekend, I am going to feature some of my personal favorites from that first year, starting with the very first posting, which was this Bizarro from October 6, 2013:
As I noted at the time, the artist, Dan Piraro, is a supporter of animal rights organizations in general. He autographed a print of this cartoon for our Holiday Auction later that same year.
Free Range: "Crossing" the old joke with every gangster movie ever made.