Bird Toon of the Day - April 10, 2022
Mutts: Sequel to yesterday ... how a songbird feels when it can't think of something to sing about.
Mutts: Sequel to yesterday ... how a songbird feels when it can't think of something to sing about.
Mutts: Something unheard of ... a songbird that doesn't feel like singing. (Sequel tomorrow.)
Free Range: And obviously that tactic isn't resulting in more crackers either.
Break Of Day: Why there are no avian rocket scientists.
The Other Coast: Chickens with business sense.
Andertoons: The duck call equivalent of a telemarketing robocall.
Strange Brew: Well, Easter is in two weeks ...
JumpStart: I had this left over from last month's "toons that normally have no avian content" feature, so here it is!
Birdbrains: Spoonerisms meet semantics and pugilistics.
Tundra: Ya think?