Bird Toon of the Day - December 16, 2024
Carpe Diem: I think this is taking the old cliché a little too far.
Carpe Diem: I think this is taking the old cliché a little too far.
Mark Trail: As I have mentioned previously, while this strip has an ongoing storyline, on Sundays it devotes the larger space to impart knowledge about nature. This entry is about the European robin. (Do excuse Mark's joke at the end.)
Speed Bump: Given the current state of world affairs, this is a good question.
Zits: But what about the other five?
The Other Coast: Looks to me like they're going to have a lot of 'splaining to do to the neighbirs when they get home.
Rubes: I get it, but I'm not sure I really want to.
Bizarro: Those cover versions get stale very quickly.
Bliss: I, for one, never knew that vultures were wine connoisseuers.
Animal Crackers: All I can imagine is what would happen if the other six birds did likewise ...
Argyle Sweater: Perspective is everything.