Bird Toon of the Day - July 22, 2024
The Other Coast: Must be those high interest rates.
The Other Coast: Must be those high interest rates.
Dogs Of C-Kennel: It's marginally better than the idiots in my neighborhood who save them and then shoot them off at New Year's, anyway.
Rubes: Or maybe there are actually three imposters and one genuine article.
Buckles: Those are called bird watchers, Arden.
Half Full: Paging Colonel Sanders.
Andertoons: He only sounds like one.
Speed Bump: Better learn to eat while hovering, kid.
Six Chix: As they say, ask a stupid question ...
Peanuts: Perhaps Woodstock is from "down under" and we never knew?
Mother Goose & Grimm: Because he's a parrot, not a stool pigeon!