Bird ID: 8054
Species: Ringneck
Sex: Male
Sub-Species: Lord Derby`s Parakeet
Health Status: Injured, Recovering
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Unknown
Currently in Foster Care
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Species: Ringneck
Sex: Male
Sub-Species: Lord Derby`s Parakeet
Health Status: Injured, Recovering
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Unknown
Currently in Foster Care
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If you're approved to adopt, click here to email my adoption coordinator.
To learn more about fostering or adopting our birds, please click here.
We Derbyans hail from the distinguished Psittacula lineage, sharing a genealogical handshake with the Afro-Indian Ringnecks. Our species name tips its feathered hat to Edward Stanley, the 13th Lord of Derby -- a man so renowned that even his name evokes the sound of a fanfare. And let`s not beat around the birdcage: we`re gorgeous. My plumage whispers "exotic elegance," while my bright orange beak proudly announces, "Yes, indeed, this fine fellow is male."
In the pet world, we`re as rare as a vegan barbecue -- sought after, singular, and almost mythical. In fact, I might just be the first Derbyan Mickaboo`s ever had the honor to host. Royalty doesn`t just walk in every day, you know.
Right now, I`m busy shedding the baggage of my past like molted feathers, but I`m optimistic. With some good old-fashioned care, a sprinkle of patience, and a dollop of behavior work, I`ll soon be strutting my Derbyan stuff at full throttle. If you think your home is fit for a bird of noble plumage and impeccable charm, reach out to Mickaboo`s Ringneck Coordinator. My future kingdom awaits!