Bird ID: 7950
Species: Macaw
Sex: Unknown
Sub-Species: Military
Health Status: Injured, Recovering
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Unknown
Currently in Foster Care
Sponsor Me!
Species: Macaw
Sex: Unknown
Sub-Species: Military
Health Status: Injured, Recovering
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Unknown
Currently in Foster Care
Sponsor Me!

If you're approved to adopt, click here to email my adoption coordinator.
To learn more about fostering or adopting our birds, please click here.
In some ways, my story mirrors that of the protagonist in the Soft Doctrines of Imaginos. I was left to die, abandoned outdoors, emaciated in a holocaust of warm weather. Becalmed in virtue and lost to nothing, all I had left was my will to live. I recall being almost unconscious and dreaming the dream of Luxor when as if by call or schedule, a veterinarian found me. She got me indoors, got me cooled down and began administering hydration. Within a few hours of the fluids arriving, I was much more chipper, losing myself in rebirth but still in rough shape.
The veterinarian who found me did all the right things for me. I spent a few days with her before being taken in by one of Mickaboo`s preferred avian veterinarians. I`m still settling in and have a way to go before I`ll be ready for adoption, but I`m getting stronger every day.
So ladies, fish and gentlemen, here`s my angled dream: please check back soon to see how I`m doing. And please consider donating to Mickaboo to help birds like me!