Trevor and Winky
Bird ID: 7861
Species: Cockatiel
Sex: Male
Sub-Species: Unclassified
Adopted on 2024-02-11
Species: Cockatiel
Sex: Male
Sub-Species: Unclassified
Adopted on 2024-02-11

Three of us, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, have been placed in another foster home, but the four of us are still together. We still have hardened smiles, but we`re quickly learning to crave the warmth of our Mickaboo foster home. Winky enjoyed taking his first bath recently, and the rest of us tolerated getting wet. We`re experimenting with healthy food and stepping onto hands.
Please check back soon to see how we are doing.
In nature, cockatiels live in large flocks. A single bird in a cage spends much of his/her life being lonely because humans have things they must do that take them away. We therefore will only adopt a single cockatiel to a household if there is already at least one cockatiel living there. Otherwise, cockatiels must be adopted in groups of two or more.