Miracle (bonded with Boichek)

Bird ID: 7696
Species: Parakeet
Sex: Male
Sub-Species: Standard Budgie
Adopted on 2024-06-11
Hi, my name is Miracle. I am a fairly young and friendly male budgie. I am the white one in the picture. My previous owner liked to call me Miri. I get along fairly well with people, but I can get a little scared sometimes. My diet is very good. I may be a little spoiled, in fact. My friend Boichek and I came to Mickaboo together, but we have since entered a larger flock where our bond may not be as strong.
In nature, parakeets (budgerigars) live in large flocks. A single bird in a cage spends much of his/her life being lonely because humans have things they must do that take them away. We therefore will only adopt a single parakeet to a household if there is already at least one parakeet living there. Otherwise, parakeets must be adopted in groups of two or more.