
Bird ID: 7689
Species: Caique
Sex: Female
Sub-Species: White-Bellied
Adopted on 2024-01-30
10/26/2023- UPDATES Frankie continues to be gentle and sweet and eats a healthy diet. She exhibits some hormonal behavior, including nesting behavior and plucking her feathers. She is currently under avian vet care for Lupron shots and beak trims, as her lower beak (mandible) tends to become overgrown. The plucking has recently started and could possibly be re-routed from becoming a lifetime habit. Frankie may appreciate having the distant company of other avian pets within earshot. 08/29/2023- UPDATE from foster home: Frankie is tame, gentle, and very sweet. She tends to be a little bit shy, but she converses with humans. Frankie often content just to be. She loves to look at the world through the window and is mesmorized by nature while sitting in her outside cage. She steps up and down and is well-mannered. She is learning to enjoy her showers and is a good eater. Frankie is adjusting well to her foster home! She is eating well and really enjoying her out of cage time. Frankie eats pellets and fruits. She also likes seeds, but those should be saved as treats. Frankie has so far been cooperative when it`s time to return to her cage.