
Bird ID: 7665
Species: Lovebird
Sex: Unknown
Sub-Species: Peach Faced
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Unknown
Currently in Foster Care
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Hi I`m Keiki! It is pronounced Kay-key and means child in Hawaiian. My foster mom says we are all ohana (family) here and this makes me so happy!

I was out for what seems to be a while in the wild before landing on an elderly man`s head who gave me to his son. They tried to find my original ohana but no one ever came forward, so they brought me to Mickaboo. Nobody knows how old I am, but I`m believed to be a young lovie.

I am definitely a people lover, and even if I love to hang out with my foster mom and cuddle. I have a huge personality and I`m very playful! I am now learning clicker training and doing very well with it and positive reinforcement. While I could go into a home with other birds I really do very well as a single lovebird and well sort of prefer all the attention!

My diet consists of pellets, healthy leafy greens, veggies and fruits.

If you think you might be a good match for me, please contact the lovebird team! I can`t wait to meet my new forever family! Mahalo nui loa (thank you very much) chirp chirp Keiki the brave!