Bird ID: 7634
Species: Conure
Sex: Female
Sub-Species: Jenday
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Unknown
Currently in Foster Care
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Species: Conure
Sex: Female
Sub-Species: Jenday
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Unknown
Currently in Foster Care
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I was living in an indoor courtyard set up with perches. I had an amazon and a cockatiel for company, but we didn`t really have much to do with each other. We are all more interested in the attention of people!
My diet is harrisons pellets and nutri-an cake. My favorite treat is dry banana chips. I do eat some veggies but I prefer fresh fruit and will pick that out first.
I am friendly and I love attention, but I need to get to you know a little bit first. I prefer to step on an arm or a shoulder than a hand. I can fly, but I prefer to be carried everywhere on a person. Of course I`m a Jenday so I`m very squeaky, and I will be loud in your ear if I`m on your shoulder. Be ready for some very adorable, but high pitched company when I`m around!
My last family found me as a stray on a golf course back in 2016 so we don`t know for sure how old I am, but based on my condition our best guess is late teens - twenty years old. Unlike some conures, I tend not to beak at anything and I don`t bite very often at all.