Clyde (Bonded with Pikachu)
Bird ID: 7415
Species: Cockatiel
Sex: Male
Sub-Species: Cinnamon
Adopted on 2023-09-28
Species: Cockatiel
Sex: Male
Sub-Species: Cinnamon
Adopted on 2023-09-28

We eat nutri-an cakes, avi-cakes, and nutri-berries as our main diet, and we`ve been stubborn about trying pellets. Our favorite treat is millet, and Pikachu loves fruits and veggies. On the other hand, Clyde will only pick at some lettuce or kale.
Of the two of us, Clyde is more outgoing. In his current foster home, he prefers male company, and will sing and chatter throughout the day. Pikachu is the quieter of the two, and the one that`s more shy. If you offer a hand, Clyde gets defensive, while Pikachu goes to hide in the back of the cage.
We both enjoy time outside of the cage, and are interested in people, but we aren`t tame. If someone would work with us to help us get over our fear of hands, we`d love to be their birds!
In nature, cockatiels live in large flocks. A single bird in a cage spends much of his/her life being lonely because humans have things they must do that take them away. We therefore will only adopt a single cockatiel to a household if there is already at least one cockatiel living there. Otherwise, cockatiels must be adopted in groups of two or more.