Bird ID: 7253
Species: Cockatoo
Sex: Female
Sub-Species: Goffins
Adopted on 2023-04-29
Species: Cockatoo
Sex: Female
Sub-Species: Goffins
Adopted on 2023-04-29

I am on video! To see me hop around on video at the March 2022 Virtual Adoption Fair, click on the link.
My feathers are looking better! Check me out in my updated video from the October 2022 Virtual Adoption Fair!
December 2022 Update: I wasn`t eating well, so I went to the avian vet and got a complete workup, including blood test and x-rays. It turns out that I have minerals in my gizzard. Did you know that parrots don`t need grit or gravel? It can cause some real problems and can remain in their gastrointestinal tract for years. Eating mineral blocks or perches can cause the same problem. Perhaps it isn`t polite for a female to mention this, but I am now taking laxatives to help me pass the minerals. Otherwise, my exam, blood test, and x-rays looked good! If you are a human gentleman looking for a single white female companion, please go to "how to adopt" on the website and fill out an application to adopt me!