Bird ID: 6976
Species: Poicephalus
Sex: Unknown
Sub-Species: Senegal Parrot
Health Status: Special Needs
Good with Children: Over 12
Well Socialized: Yes
Currently in Foster Care
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Species: Poicephalus
Sex: Unknown
Sub-Species: Senegal Parrot
Health Status: Special Needs
Good with Children: Over 12
Well Socialized: Yes
Currently in Foster Care
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If you're approved to adopt, click here to email my adoption coordinator.
To learn more about fostering or adopting our birds, please click here.
Before I go any further, I should explain my name. My previous human companion told Mickaboo that my name was Fletch, but nobody knew why. They also said that I really like to say, "Kirby." My foster dad finally figured out (after I`ve been here for a few months!) that Kirby is a better name for me. Everybody thinks I`m a girl bird, but Kirby is unisex, so it`s got me covered either way.
Mickaboo`s avian veterinarian says that my blood panels came back fine, which means that I don`t seem to have any infection, and my organs seem to be working fine. I tend to be a little bit underweight, so my foster dad has been getting me acclimated to healthy foods and weighing me every morning. He tells me how good I am to gain 7 grams, but all I`m doing is eating! I like sharing healthy foods, and this helps me to maintain a healthy weight.
I`m aggressive with other birds and am a toe-biter. This is not uncommon among the Poicephalus and is something that you need to consider seriously before taking me in. Mickaboo doesn`t think I`m likely to change this behavior, so I`ll need to be kept out of direct contact with other birds and their cages 100% of the time. I do like visiting with other birds in side-by-side cages, but we shouldn`t be out simultaneously or otherwise be in direct contact, ever.
I`m not generally aggressive with people, though. In fact, I`m very tame, friendly, and easy to handle if you don`t come at me too quickly. In foster care, I`ve learned to step up and step down and -- get this -- step onto a scale. I get a special treat for the latter. I like to whistle, kiss, purr, and click.
I can say, "C`mere!, "Pretty Birdie!," "Hi Kirby!," "Kirby birdy!," "Good Kirby!" . . . I think you get the picture. I like to look out the window, and I stand up tall and flap my wings for passing hummingbirds. Sometimes they`ll stop and visit with me!
I will do best in a loving household where I can look out the window, and people will give me a lot of care and respect. So let Mickaboo know if you`d like me to be part of your family.