You are in luck because I`m looking for a new home! I`m not allowed in my daddy`s new housing arrangement. I`m Saffy, an absolutely fabulous, 14 year-old, female, lesser sulphur-crested cockatoo. I lived in an apartment with my daddy for the past 8 years and no one ever complained about my noise level. I`ve never bitten my person and have no feather picking issues either! I prefer men and like the majority of cockatoos, I love attention. My previous owner called me "Sweetie." I don`t talk, but I do mutter and make kissing noises. You should only pet my head in order to keep me from laying eggs and critically endangering my health (never pet a cockatoo below the neck). My favorite vices are small pieces of toast or pancake and chewing on wood and paper (this will include your woodwork and your magazines if you don`t keep an eye on me). You need to give me safe hunks of wood to make into splinters. I like my routine and I`m used to spending 30 minutes out of my cage in the morning, sitting on the sink and "helping" while I enjoy a little piece of toast or some other fresh food. I expect to come out when my person comes home from work at 5:30 p.m. so that I can play in and outside of my cage and on my play stand. I like to go to bed around 9 p.m. and be covered. Once I`m put to bed, I`m quiet under my cage cover, even if other household activities are still occurring. If you peek at me, you will catch me sleeping. I eat a diet of some Sunseed Mix (Sunflower Free), pellets and fresh food such as fruit, corn, rice, and peas. My wings are not trimmed, but I only fly a short distance. I can be territorial about my cage but I will step up for you if you gesture or tap on the place where I`m perching. I don`t like to be put in a pet carrier, but will go into a small cage for vet visits, etc. If you have the time and desire to devote to me, please go to the "How to adopt" link and fill out an application.
Bird ID: 5935
Species: Cockatoo
Sex: Female
Sub-Species: Sulphur Crest - Lesser
Adopted on 2024-08-21
Species: Cockatoo
Sex: Female
Sub-Species: Sulphur Crest - Lesser
Adopted on 2024-08-21