Bird ID: 5579
Species: Conure
Sex: Male
Sub-Species: Green Cheek
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Yes
Currently in Foster Care
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Species: Conure
Sex: Male
Sub-Species: Green Cheek
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Yes
Currently in Foster Care
Sponsor Me!

If you're approved to adopt, click here to email my adoption coordinator.
To learn more about fostering or adopting our birds, please click here.
I first came to Mickaboo in 2015, and although I`ve been adopted twice to good homes, things changed and they couldn`t keep me, so they brought me back to Mickaboo, which is exactly what we asked them to do if it was ever needed. I`ve had the same foster home three times now so at least I know my foster really well and she knows me. I stepped up and went `beep beep!` when I saw her again. I have come a long way since my early Mickaboo days. I was scared to come out of my cage back then, but I started doing target training and a few months later I was comfortable stepping onto and arm and then a shoulder, and flying to a perch.
Here`s my original description back in 2016 after some clicker training time:
I`m a sweet young bird with a lot of spunk! I love to come out of my cage to talk to you, and I know some tricks! I can `spin`, `wave`, and `high five`! But only if you have a tasty treat for me. I`ll step up on your arm but I am nippy on fingers as GCCs often are. I eat my veggies and pellets like a good birdie. Would you adopt me? Let`s high five on it!
Check out photos and videos of me on my own Facebook page!