Bishop (Bonded with Tommy)
Bird ID: 3759
Species: Cockatiel
Sex: Male
Sub-Species: Normal Grey
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Unknown
Currently in Foster Care
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Species: Cockatiel
Sex: Male
Sub-Species: Normal Grey
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Unknown
Currently in Foster Care
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If you're approved to adopt, click here to email my adoption coordinator.
To learn more about fostering or adopting our birds, please click here.
We used to be owned by a nice lady who rescued both of us, but she wasn`t able to keep us any more so she surrendered us to Mickaboo. Our new foster mom takes great care of us, and has helped us meet other birds and join a flock, even if we still like each other the best.
I sing and whistle a little bit, though I will also call out loudly when Tommy is not nearby. I play with palm shredder toys and like helping Tommy to play and enjoy himself too. I`m on a good diet of avian cakes which I will eat out of my foster mom`s hand! She says that I`m a very loving and dedicated little guy, judging from the way that I treat Tommy.
If you`re looking for two best-friend birds who will be happy to be your friend as well, call Mickaboo and ask to speak to Bishop and Tommy!
In nature, cockatiels live in large flocks. A single bird in a cage spends much of his/her life being lonely because humans have things they must do that take them away. We therefore will only adopt a single cockatiel to a household if there is already at least one cockatiel living there. Otherwise, cockatiels must be adopted in groups of two or more.