Spice (Bonded with Cinnamon)
Bird ID: 3659
Species: Cockatiel
Sex: Male
Sub-Species: Pied
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Unknown
Currently in Foster Care
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Species: Cockatiel
Sex: Male
Sub-Species: Pied
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Unknown
Currently in Foster Care
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If you're approved to adopt, click here to email my adoption coordinator.
To learn more about fostering or adopting our birds, please click here.
While they are not super hand tame, they will step up if in an unfamiliar situation and have become super comfortable around humans. This pair is true love and devotion in action, and they are just lovely to have around!
You can see a video all about us here from a Mickaboo online adoption fair in 2021.
Mickaboo has taken great care of us for many years in several foster homes, and honestly we don`t understand why we haven`t been adopted already! Our current foster home isn`t looking to adopt any more birds but she thinks we are very sweet.
We think Spice is about 12 years old, which is a slight guess but seems about right.
In nature, cockatiels live in large flocks. A single bird in a cage spends much of his/her life being lonely because humans have things they must do that take them away. We therefore will only adopt a single cockatiel to a household if there is already at least one cockatiel living there. Otherwise, cockatiels must be adopted in groups of two or more.