Bird Toon of the Day - October 6, 2024
Tundra: Before you ask ... 15.
Tundra: Before you ask ... 15.
Loose Parts: Simple and funny.
The Other Coast: Unclear on the concept, obviously.
Free Range: This one explains itself if you know the old cliché.
WuMo: So much for the power of the King of Evilness. (Only makes sense if you know Lord of the Rings.)
Animal Crackers: Which offramp on the Interstate is this?
Buckles: Well, that's one way of looking at it, from an avian perspective.
Buckles: The star of the strip objects to reality.
Buckles: What was your first clue, Arden?
Loose Parts: Offhand, I'd say that they're both to blame, genetically speaking,