
Bird Toon of the Day - April 26, 2020

I've always said the funniest single-panel toons are ones that anthromorphize common human traits, misconceptions, and clichés by using common traits and behaviors of the non-human.  This Loose Parts is a perfect example.

Bird Toon of the Day - April 22, 2020

Today is the five-year anniversary of Bird Toon of the Day!

I have not calculated the exact number of cartoons that I've posted here since 2015, but taking into account the special Diamond Lil Thanksgiving story arcs which resulted in some two-toon days and also the handful of days where favorites were repeated, there have been a little over 1800 in that time.

And speaking of repeating favorites, today is a repeat of the first entry, which was Bizarro from October 6, 2013.  A print of this was autographed by the artist, Dan Piraro, and was auctioned off at the Mickaboo Holiday Party that year.
