krichards's blog

Bird Toon of the Day - November 7, 2022

WuMo:  Another case of being unclear on the concept.
I'm going to take a break from the Thanksgiving toons for a week, then one week from today I'll start the annual Diamond Lil "turkey farm" story arc as a second toon, and for the week leading up to Thanksgiving that arc will be paired with another Thanksgiving toon.  (Yeah, I know ... lots of turkey comics, but this is the month for it, after all ...)

Bird Toon of the Day - November 1, 2022

This year, I'm going to do something a little different with the Thanksgiving toons.  I'm going to post five during the first week of the month that I found particularly amusing, then take a break until the annual Diamond Lil "turkey farm" story arc (which will be a second toon from the 14th through the 25th), followed by a few Thanksgiving toons over the weekend after the big day.

So ... here we go!
